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Diabetes Device Choices

This is a personalized report of your diabetes device recommendations and choices. This report is a guide not a clinical recommendation. It's a guide based on your input, the best advice from Standford and the first hand knowledge of the T1 Community at



Meter & Pump

Meter & Tandem


The Tandem pump allows you to bolus directly from a compatible iOS or Android smartphone, is rechargeable, has a touch screen, and can be updated on your home computer.

Sensor & Injections

Medtronic Sensor & Syringe

MedtronicSyringe v4

Alerts to minimize lows and highs with the option to link to a pump later.

Priority: Overall

Updates without waiting.
One thing at a time.

Next Steps Next Steps

You're going to do great on the devices you choose

Talk to your provider

Talk to your provider to get a prescription. Advocate for yourself with a list of reasons why you believe it is best for your lifestyle.

Call the device companies

Talk to the device companies about the device you want and if your insurance will cover it. They can help with this.

Call your insurance

Many insurance companies require documentation of different qualifications before approving diabetes device coverage. every insurance company is different but some common qualifications include checking your blood sugar 4-6 times per day or having frequent low blood sugars. Understanding what qualifications are necessary for device coverage before starting the approval process can make things a lot easier.

Visit for more resources.

Questions for your Doctor

Meter & Tandem

Can I try this before I commit to it?

A lot of provider offices have sample devices you can touch and feel to get a sense of how they work. Some offices even have a trial device you can use for week to see how it works for you.

Medtronic Sensor & Syringe

Can I try this before I commit to it?

A lot of provider offices have sample devices you can touch and feel to get a sense of how they work. Some offices even have a trial device you can use for week to see how it works for you.

Questions for your insurance

Many insurance companies require documentation of different qualifications before approving diabetes device coverage. Every insurance company is different, but some common qualifications include checking your blood sugar 4-6 times per day or having frequent low blood sugars. Understanding what qualifications are necessary for device coverage before starting the approval process can make things a lot easier.

Talk to the device companies


Because there are so many options, and they don't have huge differences - the best thing to do is see what options your insurance companies will cover. The best way to find that out is through your doctor.


Tandem t:slim X2

Call Tandem and ask them about your coverage. Talk to your Doctor to get a prescription.

1-877-801-6901 Tandem Website

Guardian Connect

Call Medtronic and ask them about how much it will cost with your insurance coverage. Talk to your Doctor to get a prescription.

1-800-646 4633 Medtronic Website

Syringe and Vial

Understand your cost at your local pharmacy.

Insulin Cost Overview

Additional Resources

By Priorities

Active Lifestyle Active Lifestyle

Must pause activity to check blood sugar
Optional settings for exercise to adjust treatment ranges for activity with the press of a button
Sensor Connect feature allows someone else to keep an eye on your blood sugar from the sidelines
No way to adjust long acting insulin for higher activity on the fly

Avoiding Highs and Lows Avoiding Highs and Lows

Meters don't give as much blood sugar data as sensors do
Pumps allow different amounts of basal insulin at different times of day and very precise dosing
Sensor can alert you to a low before it happens
Syringes and pens limit your ability to adjust insulin throughout the day

Comfort Comfort

Have to carry meter supplies
Smallest tubed pump
Tubed pumps have the most infusion sets to pick from
Medtronic sensors need more tape than other sensors
Have to carry syringes and insulin

Easy Insulin Dosing Easy Insulin Dosing

Bolus calculator available to help figure out doses
Offers smallest increments of basal insulin delivery
More customizable dosing than pens or syringes
Can use sensor trends for dose adjustment
You have to do the math to figure out your dose

Easy to Use Easy to Use

No info on blood sugar trends
Rechargeable pump battery
Pump has touchscreen
Sensor transmitter is rechargeable
Most steps to change sensor
Many steps to figure out doses and deliver insulin every single time you need it

Fewer Fingersticks Fewer Fingersticks

Frequent fingersticks are unavoidable
Daily fingersticks needed to calibrate sensor

Privacy Privacy

Requires visible blood
Pump has tubing
Touchscreen of pump looks like normal tech device
Ability to bolus directly on compatible smartphone
Sensor requires regular meter use
Ability to see blood sugar on phone
Syringes are hideable when not in use but very visible when in use

Cost & Coverage



Guardian Connect

Guardian Connect

Glucose Testing Supplies

Meter & Fingerpricker (1 time purchase)

Strips & Supplies



Glucose Testing Cost Estimate

Startup $0 to $60

Monthly $100

There are lots of different meters out there. It's worth seeing which are covered by insurance - they will cover some of the cost of the strips. Often your doctor can give you a meter for free, worth asking.

Startup $69 to $206

Monthly $32 to $97

These prices vary by Insurance. If you call Medtronic they will start a process to check exactly how much your costs will be. Generally Medtronic pumps and sensors are covered by private insurance and medicare. It may be covered under durable medical goods or a pharmacy benefit.

Tandem t:slim X2

Tandem t:slim X2

Syringe and Vial

Syringe and Vial

Insulin Dosing Supplies



Insulin Cartridges

Infusion Sites

Syringe ~$30 (Monthly)

Insulin $5 to $500 (Monthly)

Insulin Dosing Cost Estimate

Startup $5 to $6,995

Monthly $20 to $200

The total amount depends hugely on how much insulin you use and what your insurance covers.