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The Beta Bionics iLet system determines 100% of all insulin doses and requires very little input from the user.

  • iLet Pump + Dexcom Sensor 

Next Steps

Dexcom G6

Dexcom G6

Call Dexcom and ask them about your coverage. Talk to your Doctor to get a prescription.


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  • Have to carry supplies
  • Requires fewer parts than do-it-yourself systems
  • Active Lifestyle

  • Unable to suspend insulin
  • Tubed pumps have the most infusion sets to pick from
  • Pump is watertight
  • Avoiding Highs and Lows

  • Custom alerts can be set for highs, lows, and rapidly rising or falling glucose levels
  • You cannot give a correction dose of insulin
  • You cannot give additional insulin boluses when your blood glucose levels are high
  • Your blood glucose levels could rise above 250 mg/dl after Meal Announcement
  • Easy to Use

  • Very little info required for set up
  • You cannot change how the iLet is automating insulin delivery.
  • Easy Insulin Dosing

  • No carb counting required
  • Software makes most dosing decisions for you
  • You cannot program any insulin settings (no basal rates, correction factors or carb ratios)
  • You cannot enter carbohydrates into a bolus calculator or determine the amount of insulin to give for a meal.
  • Fewer Fingersticks

  • Factory-calibrated sensor: fingersticks needed for backup only
  • Privacy

  • Lowest profile sensor
  • Ability to check sugar on phone or watch
  • Touchscreen of pump looks like normal tech device
  • Wisdom

    Hear what others who use this device combo have to say

    "The first two weeks were rough for me. There were a lot of highs and lows that were not typical for me, but I expected that learning period for the system."

    "The cartridge is smaller than other insulin pumps, so it doesn't last for 72 hours, but I like that I can load another cartridge without doing a full site change."

    "After using the system for 4 months, my A1c has decreased, which is a plus for me."


    Dexcom G6

    Dexcom G6



    Receiver (1 time purchase)

    Glucose Testing Cost Estimate

    Startup $80 to $239

    Monthly $35 to $105

    These prices vary by Insurance. Many insurers support the G6 Dexcom. It may be covered under durable medical goods or a pharmacy benefit.

    Insulin Dosing Cost Estimate