Are you a healthcare professional who takes care of people with diabetes? Visit

The Eversense is implanted under the skin, so you can hide your devices easier. Some pens have the ability to track insulin doses on a smart phone.

*You will need an iPhone to use the Eversense sensor.

Next Steps



Either call the phone number here to ask about getting started or fill out the form that is linked here to get started.


Mon-Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm EST

Eversense Website

Insulin Pen

Insulin Pen

Ask your provider about a insulin pen prescription. Learn which is covered.



  • Longest lasting sensor
  • Sensor needs to be changed by your doctor
  • Have to carry pens and pen needles
  • Active Lifestyle

  • Because the sensor is under your skin, it won't get dislodged if it gets bumped
  • No way to adjust long acting insulin for higher activity on the fly
  • Avoiding Highs and Lows

  • Only sensor that vibrates on your skin to alert for high or low blood sugars; alerts work even when smart phone isn't close by
  • Syringes and pens limit your ability to adjust insulin throughout the day
  • Easy to Use

  • Sensor transmitter must be recharged every day
  • Sensor changes far less often than other types, but your doctor must do it
  • Pens are faster and easier to use than syringes
  • Easy Insulin Dosing

  • Can use sensor trends for dose adjustment
  • More precise dosing than syringes
  • Fewer Fingersticks

  • Daily fingersticks needed to calibrate sensor
  • Privacy

  • Pens are low profile
  • Ability to see sugar on watch or phone
  • Sensor not movable on body
  • Wisdom

    Hear what others who use this device combo have to say

    The Eversense is easy because i don't have to insert anything under my skin - but its not easy because i have to go to the doctor to get it inserted every 3 months.

    Its useful to know what my blood sugar is before swimming, but I usually go low anyways.

    The insertion of the Eversense is supposed to be painless.




    Transmitter (1 time purchase & Rechargeable)

    Glucose Testing Cost Estimate

    Startup Bridge Program $99.

    This is a trial program and there are eligibility requirements that should be considered prior.

    Eversense is covered by select insurers, including Cigna and Medicare.

    Insulin Pen

    Insulin Pen

    Pen (thats it!)

    Insulin Dosing Cost Estimate

    Monthly $5 to $1260

    The total cost depends on the amount of pens you use which is dependent on how much insulin you use.

    Questions for your Doctor

    Can I try this before I commit to it?

    A lot of provider offices have sample devices you can touch and feel to get a sense of how they work. Some offices even have a trial device you can use for week to see how it works for you.