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The Omnipod 5 closed-loop system adjusts your basal insulin levels up and down based on predicted glucose levels. 

  • Omnipod + Dexcom Sensor 

Next Steps

Dexcom G6

Dexcom G6

Call Dexcom and ask them about your coverage. Talk to your Doctor to get a prescription.


Mon-Fri 6:00am - 5:00pm PST and Sat 8:00am - 2:00pm

Dexcom Website



Call Omnipod and ask them about your coverage. Talk to your Doctor to get a prescription.


Mon-Sat, 9:00am - 7:00pm PST

Omnipod Website



  • Low profile/low maintenance sensor
  • No tubing
  • Active Lifestyle

  • Can increase blood sugar target during activity
  • System responds to blood sugar changes during activity automatically
  • Don't need to find a place for pump in active wear
  • Sensor Share feature allows someone else to keep an eye on your blood sugar from the sidelines
  • Continuous numbers, less gear.
  • Avoiding Highs and Lows

  • Custom alerts can be set for highs, lows, and rapidly rising or falling glucose levels
  • Pumps allow different amounts of basal insulin at different times of day and very precise dosing
  • Pods stay on when showering and swimming so there are no gaps in insulin delivery
  • Easy to Use

  • Fewer parts than tubed pumps
  • Pods need more tape than other infusion sets
  • Easy Insulin Dosing

  • Automatically adjusts insulin to reach targets you set
  • Will automatically revert to manual mode in certain situations
  • Fewer Fingersticks

  • Factory-calibrated sensor: fingersticks needed for backup only
  • Privacy

  • Alerts
  • Ability to see blood sugar on phone
  • Most hideable pump option
  • Wisdom

    Hear what others who use this device combo have to say

    It can be frustrating to feel lows during exercise. I've gotten better at setting myself up for success with a workout with pre-exercise targets and strategizing on meals/snacks around exercise.

    I thought I wouldn’t like it having something on me 24/7. But I was wrong! Now I know at any time where my levels are just by looking at my phone!

    Honestly I can’t feel the dexcom anymore. I actually forgot where it was the other day!


    Dexcom G6

    Dexcom G6



    Receiver (1 time purchase)

    Glucose Testing Cost Estimate

    Startup $80 to $239

    Monthly $35 to $105

    These prices vary by Insurance. Many insurers support the G6 Dexcom. It may be covered under durable medical goods or a pharmacy benefit.






    Insulin Dosing Cost Estimate

    Startup $5 to $1260 Monthly

    Omnipod is now covered by Medicare and Medicaid as well as most private insurers.

    Questions for your Doctor

    How does a smart system work?

    Automated insulin delivery systems usually have three parts: a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), an insulin pump, and an algorithm, which is the brain. It makes many dosing decisions for you with less button pushing. The system senses your blood sugar level and adjusts insulin delivery automatically.

    Can I try this before I commit to it?

    A lot of provider offices have sample devices you can touch and feel to get a sense of how they work. Some offices even have a trial device you can use for week to see how it works for you.

    Where can I find information about financial assistance for Omnipod 5?

    The Omnipod Financial Assistance Program was created to help cover your Omnipod costs during financial challenges. More information is available on: As a general reference: • The majority of Omnipod 5 customers pay $50 or less per month • Over 70% of Omnipod 5 customers pay $50 or less per month • More than a third of Omnipod 5 Customers pay $0 per month • More than half of Omnipod 5 customers pay $1 or less per day • Over 38% of Omnipod 5 customers pay $1 or less per Pod • More than a third of Omnipod 5 customers pay $1 or less per Pod