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Open-source DIY (Do-It-Yourself) automated insulin delivery systems automatically deliver insulin by combining parts (insulin pumps and CGMs) that are already approved for people with diabetes. These systems automate many parts of insulin delivery with a higher level of customization than commercial systems offer. Because these systems are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the open-source community can also develop and share improvements more quickly than approved commercial systems can.

The DIY software automates many parts of the insulin delivery. It receives glucose data from a CGM and user input about carbohydrates, exercise, and other outside factors. This information is analyzed, and then instructions are sent to the insulin pump to adjust insulin delivery as needed. This works to keep the user's glucose levels within the range they have set.

Examples of DIY systems:

It's important to note, again, that DIY systems are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This means there can be more risk with using these systems versus a commercial system due to:

  • Softer safety thresholds: most DIY systems have safety guardrails in place, but these can be altered or removed by the user.
  • Potential missed alerts: if you use a “focus” setting on your phone, some alerts from a DIY app may be suppressed during this time unless you manually change your phone's settings.
  • No customer support: while all DIY systems have robust communities to help with troubleshooting, when it comes down to it, you are responsible for solving any problems that arise with the app you’re using. There is no 24/7 helpline to call.

If you are considering a DIY system, consider talking to a healthcare professional first. They can help you weigh the risks and benefits and decide if this is the right option for you.