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Lo que se necesita para comenzar

Rapid-acting insulin

Bolus (fast-acting) insulin pen for meal time or high blood sugar correction.

Long-acting insulin

Basal (long-acting) insulin pen for steady release of insulin that helps control blood sugar between meals, and overnight.


Disposable needle attaches to insulin pen for daily injections.

Ver y Aprender

How to Store Insulin Pens

How and When to Rotate Injection Sites

How to Inject with an Insulin Pen

Detalles del dispositivo

Affordability and Access

Widely covered for insulin-dependent type 1 and 2. Price range; 0-$1260/month depending on insurance coverage. 

Data Monitoring Options

No Options

Data View Options

No Options

Duration and Storage

28 Days 
Can be kept at room temperature (not above 80º F) when in use for 28 days. Unopened insulin pens should be stored in the refrigerator (36ºF - 46ºF).

Vision / Auditory / Dexterity

NO text to speech
vibration alerts
of dexterity needed

Consideraciones del paciente


Many components. Have to carry pen and pen needles but nothing attached to the body. 

Estilo de Vida Activo

No attachments to the body. Insulin pens are easy to use and do not remain attached to the body, allowing for a flexible and active lifestyle. 

Evitar los Altibajos

Limited customizability. Pens require manual dose adjustment and limit the ability to adjust basal insulin throughout the day. 

Fácil de Usar

Simple but many steps. Attach a new needle, dial the correct dose, inject, and dispose of needle. 

Fácil Dosificación de Insulina

More precise than syringes. Ability to measure doses using a dial, increasing accuracy. 

Menos Pinchazos en Los Dedos

Frequent finger-sticks are required. 


Hideable. Pens can be hidden when not in use but visible when in use. Frequent injections are unavoidable.