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Lo que se necesita para comenzar


Smartphone or smartwatch receives CGM readings and automatically adjusts insulin delivery via insulin pump.

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Intro to Tidepool Loop

Using Tidepool Loop

Tidepool Demo for Clinicians

Detalles del dispositivo

Affordability and Access

Pump and CGM supply information is not yet available. iPhone is not covered and must be set up independently.

Data Monitoring Options

Compatible with Tidepool - a web-based diabetes data management system. 

Data View Options

Data can be viewed on an iPhone. 

Duration and Storage

Pump and CGM information not yet available. 


Tidepool Loop is the first fully interoperable automated insulin dosing app that originated as a patient-led initiative.

Vision / Auditory / Dexterity

NO text to speech
vibration alerts
of dexterity needed

Consideraciones del paciente


Low-profile mobile app. Dosing and other adjustments can be done directly on the mobile app. 

En General

Tidepool Loop is the first fully interoperable automated insulin dosing app that originated as a patient-led initiative.

Estilo de Vida Activo

Automatic responses. Can set custom blood sugar targets and insulin and carb sensitivities based on type of activity. App automatically responds to blood sugar changes during activity.

Evitar los Altibajos

Automatically adjusts insulin delivery. Increases or decreases insulin delivery to meet glucose targets. Insulin delivery settings can be aggressive or conservative.

Fácil de Usar

Easy dosing. Software makes most dosing decisions easy to do on the fly.

Fácil Dosificación de Insulina

Customizable. Can bolus from phone or smartwatch and all settings are expected to be customizable. More information on modifications to insulin delivery will be available soon. 

Menos Pinchazos en Los Dedos

Factory-calibrated sensor. Fingersticks needed for backup only.


Discreet. Ability to give insulin via watch or phone. Ability to check sugar on phone or watch. Alerts available.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Where can I learn more about Tidepool Loop updates?

Visit to learn more about Tidepool Loop and upcoming releases.

Which CGM and insulin pump is compatible with Tidepool Loop?

Tidepool Loop is working with existing partners to determine an optimal launch date for their new pump and CGM compatibility list. Visit to learn more about Tidepool Loop's FDA approval and upcoming plans.