Are you a healthcare professional who takes care of people with diabetes? Visit

Omnipod is the only tubeless pump option. This paired with the G6 is a common choice for active people.

Next Steps

Dexcom G6

Dexcom G6

Call Dexcom and ask them about your coverage. Talk to your Doctor to get a prescription.


Mon-Fri 6:00am - 5:00pm PST and Sat 8:00am - 2:00pm

Dexcom Website



Call Omnipod and ask them about your coverage. Talk to your Doctor to get a prescription.


Mon-Sat, 9:00am - 7:00pm PST

Omnipod Website



  • Low profile/low maintenance sensor
  • No tubing
  • Pods need more tape than other infusion sets
  • Active Lifestyle

  • Sensor Share feature allows someone else to keep an eye on your blood sugar from the sidelines
  • Don't need to find a place for pump in active wear
  • Avoiding Highs and Lows

  • Custom alerts can be set for highs, lows, and rapidly rising or falling glucose levels
  • Pumps allow different amounts of basal insulin at different times of day and very precise dosing
  • Pods stay on when showering and swimming so there are no gaps in insulin delivery
  • Easy to Use

  • Sensor integrated with multiple devices in case you change up what you're using
  • Fewer parts than tubed pumps
  • Easy Insulin Dosing

  • Can use sensor trends for dose adjustment
  • No interruption in insulin delivery (pods stay on when you shower and swim)
  • More customizable dosing than pens or syringes
  • Fewer Fingersticks

  • Factory-calibrated sensor: fingersticks needed for backup only
  • Privacy

  • Ability to check sugar on phone or watch
  • Alerts
  • Most hideable pump option
  • Requires visible controller to bolus
  • Wisdom

    Hear what others who use this device combo have to say

    I need to learn not to look at my number for 20 minutes after correcting for a low because with the sensor I overcorrect due to seeing the number and arrow still down and not an instant bounce back up! I'm learning though!

    Getting data every five minutes from a Dexcom is a lot of information, for sure. I'm a doer. I always want to act on information. Relaxing that part of me was a bit of a challenge in the beginning.

    Honestly, I can't feel the Dexcom anymore. In fact, I forgot where it was the other day!


    Dexcom G6

    Dexcom G6



    Receiver (1 time purchase)

    Glucose Testing Cost Estimate

    Startup $80 to $239

    Monthly $35 to $105

    These prices vary by Insurance. Many insurers support the G6 Dexcom. It may be covered under durable medical goods or a pharmacy benefit.






    Insulin Dosing Cost Estimate

    Startup $5 to $1260 Monthly

    Omnipod is now covered by Medicare and Medicaid as well as most private insurers.

    Questions for your Doctor

    Can I try this before I commit to it?

    A lot of provider offices have sample devices you can touch and feel to get a sense of how they work. Some offices even have a trial device you can use for week to see how it works for you.